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Attention Span 
November 8  –  December 22, 2018
Warren Dykeman continues to hunt for “the right kind of wrong” as he merges folk art Neo-primitive graphic art and typography in his latest mixed-media collaged paintings.  
In Attention Span, his second solo exhibition with studio e, Dykeman has integrated digital designing tools into his creative process which still focuses on the tangible physicality of his works complete with the bruises of their journey to becoming. The resulting works showcase the artist’s signature iconography including exquisite weeds, “big dumb boots”, potted shrubbery, flaming wigs, floating scaffolding, and mysterious silhouetted figures all jostling one another in disarming confrontation.

Dykeman: Attention SpanDykeman: Attention SpanDykeman: Attention SpanDykeman: Attention Span, 2018Dykeman: Attention Span, 2018 Dykeman: Attention Span, 2018 Dykeman: Attention Span, 2018Dykeman: Attention Span, 2018Dykeman: Attention Span | photo: James Arzente